Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Leadership Week 5

                                                                    LEADERSHIP                                      WEEK 5

A manager is a person tasked with overseeing one or more employees or departments to ensure these employees or departments carry out assigned duties as required. Depending on the size of the company there might be a single, dual or triple management layer involved. Management can be described by the following functions and elements:
Planning: this involves setting objectives and also the strategies, policies, programmes and procedures for achieving them. Planning is primarily the job of line managers who might act upon the advice of specialist staff managers.      
Organising: managers set tasks which need to be performed if the business is to achieve its objectives. The tasks such as manufacturing and packaging need to be organised to achieve this goal.  
Commanding: managers have to give instructions to subordinate to carry out tasks.
Coordinating: is the bringing together of the activities of people within the business. Individuals and groups will have their own goals, which may be different to those of the business and each other.
Controlling: managers measure and correct the activities of individuals and groups, to make sure that their performance fits in with plans.          

Whereas, Leadership is the art or process of influencing people so that they perform assigned tasks willingly and in an efficient and effective manner. Leadership is, therefore, crucial in motivating and inspiring the workforce. It is useful to distinguish between managers and leaders. Managers have positional or legitimate power as a result of an appointment to a particular position. Leaders may be appointed or may emerge. Managers act as functionaries whereas leaders are innovators. Moreover, managers accept responsibility but leaders are known for seeking it. So in short, manager is the one who is involved in planning, organising, commanding, coordinating and controlling whereas leaders are those who are involved in handling the management and all.


The country club leadership is a kind of leader who is too much concerned about the needs and feelings of his/her team member and thinks that this attitude keeps the staff motivated and makes them to work more hard but it ends up with lack and poor level of production due to lack of direction.
Impoverished are the kind of leaders who are least bothered about the need of members of team and are in no mood to guide the other colleagues to the right direction which eventually leads to complete failure of business and disharmony in the organisation.
Middle of the Road is a style that seems to be balanced but still a problem also lies in it as they are not too much concerned because of so many compromises due to which neither the production nor people needs are fully met.
Team Leader is the ideal style of leadership thought by Blake and Mutton as this leader is highly concerned with the needs of production as well as the needs of the people which altogether make a suitable and best working environment for the organisation. When employees are committed to their work as they know organisations success is purely based on their hard work so this leads to high quality level of production and on the other hand it makes the leader highly concerned to its member’s needs.
Produce or Perish are those leader who are autocratic as they just think the employees needs are secondary to the needs of the organisation. These leaders are quite strict and follow on their own rules as they think employees just work better if they know they will be punished for any mistakes. What they are just concerned is that the job must be done at any cost.
‘’Management and Organisational Behaviour’’ by Laurie J. Mullins.
Recently I worked at KFC and found out how their working environment is. At the start they all were very friendly and I thought this is the best organisation to work for but as soon the work started I was quite amazed that how these people are working without any rest for so long. We had one manager and one leader at every shift. The manager used to sit in the office and used to come after a couple of minutes just to check how things are going where as our leader was the one who used to stand and move on every task to help others. As I was the new member so I was too slow as compared to people working over there because it was the first time I was doing a job in a fast food restaurant so the leader used to stay most of the time with me on cash till. My job was to serve the customers by taking their order. Our leader was really concerned to the employees and the production which involves the serving and taking of orders. So I think the style of leadership of our leader was of Team Leader according to Blake and Mutton diagram. I think this because our leader used to help employees when they used to get tired as he asked them to take some rest and he will continue their work for that time and apart from this he was active member when he helped every area that was working slowly in order to keep the pace of the work proper.


 The leader I like the most is Nelson Mandela as we discussed about him in the lecture that how much hardships he had to face all his life just due to the unfairness and discrimination that black and coloured people are subjected to in South Africa. Nelson Mandela personifies passion. As he sacrificed all his private life and his youth for his people, and remains South Africa's best known and indeed a superhero for his own people. Mandela participated actively in politics to oppose the apartheid movement. He fought all his life just to end the racial segregation so that the next generation doesn’t has to go through what they had gone from. His whole life is lived in the vision of creating racial equality and with only a one view of humanity as he believes that all are free to do anything and anywhere. Mandela spent 27 years behind bars as a political prisoner due to his movements and other political fights that he had gone through. But that has not left a dent in his spirit and never stopped him from continuing his struggle to rid South Africa of Apartheid. In 1994, four years after his release from prison, he became the first democratically elected president of South Africa at the age of 75 and still we can see on news that how much respect and honour his people have for him. I like his personality due to many reasons as we all still see how down to earth he is and what he has done for his people and I think not just for his people but he has set an example to the whole world to finish the racism that is ruining the minds and lives of thousands of people. The other thing I like his personality was his commitment and his aim that stayed consistent throughout the time even he was in jail or even when he had to go through hardships. He is the man of mouth as never refuses what he promises or what he says. Apart from giving examples I think we all should follow the example that Nelson Mandela has set for all the human beings on earth.

This blog tells all the types of leadership styles according to Blake and Mouton grid and tells us how we can separate the styles of leadership into different categories. Every leader is different as he does something different for which he is well known and people do remember a good leader for decades and great leaders never die as they live in our history which we can’t regret and Nelson Mandela is one of those whom people will never forget.

http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newLDR_73.htm Accessed on 15-04-2011
http://www.nelsonmandela.org/index.php/memory/views/biography/ Accessed on 15-04-2011
http://www.nutmegradio.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/Nelson-Mandela.jpg Accessed on 15-04-2011
‘’Management and Organisational Behaviour’’ by Laurie J. Mullins. Ninth Edition (Prentice Hall). Page no 461-463

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